Saturday, December 29, 2007

ok here we go

ok here we go. i have embarked on the blogger's road. this is the most techno task i have journied into. unfortunatly i am leaving town and don't have time to write much. while away i will have time to think about what i want to say. now i have to figure out how to get spell check on this. i actually enjoy writing more when i can write like i talk instead of trying to proove that i graduated from college. i am pretty random in my thoughts but when writing like that the trail might be hard to follow. see here i go rambling already. well i will sign off for now as i get ready to go and visit my dear sweet 90 and 92 year old aunts for the week. even though they have already informed me that i have gained much to much weight i will just apply another layer of duck feathers and let the comments roll. i think when you get to be 90 God gives you permission to speak your mind. now that i am 50 i am secure enough in my Father's love that those things don't seem to stick like they used to. happy new year and i will look forward to getting back in the swing when i get back.